Dealing With a Blocked Toilet

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Essential Factors to Consider When Installing a New Toilet

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So you have decided to replace that old toilet in your bathroom with a new one. Toilet replacement is not a project that is often undertaken; therefore, you need to put much thought and consideration into the process. Advancements in technology have led to the manufacture of modern toilets which are efficient and convenient to use. As you consider replacing this prominent fixture in your bathroom, you should have the following things in mind to ensure that you get the most value from the renovation. Read More»

Plumbing Maintenance: Preventing Recurrent Leaks in Your Residential Pipes

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Plumbing leaks can cause a lot of problems in your home. The trickling water can penetrate the building structures such as the walls and floors, causing rotting and general damage. Also, the settled moisture could promote the growth of fungi, including mildew and mould. Therefore, you should be diligent in maintaining your piping system to prevent recurrent leaks. If you have been experiencing numerous incidents of leakage, consider using the outlined tips to avoid these problems. Read More»

Four Signs You Should Install Water-Based Underfloor Heating Instead of Electric

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Water-based underfloor heating provides warmth by running pipes beneath your floors and heating the water inside. Electric underfloor heating provides warmth using wires instead of hot water. There’s really no single right option, but there are several signs that you should opt for a water-based system. Here are four of the most common. 1. You’re Heating a Larger Area  Probably the central advantage that water-based underfloor heating holds over electric systems is that they generally deliver more heat while consuming less energy. Read More»

How to Prevent Clogs in Your Shower Drain

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If you have thick hair which you wear rather long, then you’re probably aware of some of the pretty hairy problems you often get into. Hair can be the reason why you have blocked drains every few weeks. What you may not know, is that you can prevent hairballs from being your drain’s downfall. Here are four different ways to help you keep your drains hair-free. Use a hair catcher   Read More»

How to Flush Your Toilet Without Heating Up The Shower Water

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You’re taking a nice warm shower, gently rinsing away a day’s worth of grime and stress. Then, all of a sudden, the hot water temperature spikes. You leap backwards to escape the flow of scalding water then simply stand there in the cold, gently rubbing your skin. Looks like someone flushed a toilet in your house. If this scenario sounds familiar, you probably have a trunk and branch plumbing system, with individual pipes branching out from a common line. Read More»

How to Recover a Wedding Ring Which Has Been Washed Down the Sink

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If your wedding ring has fallen from your finger and been washed down the plug hole of your kitchen sink, you will probably be panicking like crazy. However, by remaining calm and taking the following steps, you can ensure the safe retrieval of your wedding ring.  Shut off the water If the kitchen taps are turned on, you should immediately turn them off. Any water which enters the drain will increase the chance that your ring will be washed further down the pipe. Read More»

Clogs Happen! Is Your Drain Ready For Menopausal Hair Loss?

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One of the most common causes of a shower drain clog is hair. Now you are entering the menopausal stage of your life, chances are you will experience hair loss more than normal because of your fluctuating hormones. Since you don’t want to be dealing with a clogged drain while the hormones are rampaging, there are several things you can do to prevent the blockage from happening. Drain inspection Because there is a good chance of the shower drain receiving extra strands of your hair over the next 12 months, it is advisable to have your shower drain inspected and cleaned before your hair sheds. Read More»

Do You Need a Plumber for That DIY Repair Job?

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Not all plumbing repairs in the home necessarily need the attention of a professional, as some clogs, leaking faucets, and other such issues can be fixed by most homeowners, and with nothing more than standard, everyday tools. However, while some repairs can be DIY jobs, some are better left to a plumber, either to ensure the work is done right or because the repair itself may be more complicated than you realize. Read More»

4 Ways to Lower Your Hot Water Energy Bill

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Reports suggest that residents in South Australia will soon face the most expensive energy bills in the world, with the rest of the country not far behind. With this in mind, you should do everything you can do to cut your energy bills, and one of the easiest way to do this is to make a few changes to how you use and maintain your water heater. Below is a guide to 4 things you can do to help cut your energy bills. Read More»

Flooding on Your Beautiful Hardwood Floors? Act Quickly to Prevent Warping

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Discovering a burst pipe or other type of plumbing emergency can make your heart lurch in your chest. If you were to discover this type of localised flooding inside your home, the issue has the potential to be far more serious if you have hardwood floors. Without quick action, the water has the ability to warp your floors, necessitating repairs or replacement that is both labour-intensive and rather expensive. So what should you do if you discover that a plumbing emergency has resulted in water all over your hardwood floors? Read More»